344065 г. Ростов-на-Дону, пер. Днепровский 116 View mapWe are honoured to inform you that on November 17-18, 2016 the International conference
“Historical and Cultural Aspects of the Reformation”
is to be held in Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
Sections / Directions of the Conference
Section 1. The cultural and historical meaning of the Refomation.
Section 2. Values and significations of Reformation for theology and philosophy.
Section 3. The Protestantism in an interconfessional dialogue.
Section 4. Social service of the Protestant denominations.
Section 5. The Protestantism and globalization.
Section 6. Historical development of Protestantism in the South of Russia.
The languages at the Conference are Russian and English.
The papers will be published in the book, included in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation (РИНЦ).
Notes for Participants of the Conference
Before September 15, 2016 an application and a paper in a single file should be sent to e-mail: religionstudies@yandex.ru. The name of the file should be: the Last Name_the Section Number (e.g.: Smith_2). The form of an application is in the attachment of the letter. The papers, which do not meet the requirements of the Organizers or happen to be declined by reviewers, will not be included in the program of the Conference. The authors of papers, included in the program of the Conference, will receive an invitation letter in pdf no later than October, 10. The program of the Conference will be sent to the participants no later than October, 30.
Requirements for Papers
A paper should not exceed 15,000 symbols (including author’s data, the title, abstract and keywords). Font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt.; single spacing; all margins – 2 cm.
References should be arranged in square brackets [the number of a reference, the number of a page]. The list of references should be placed after the text of the paper and be numbered in the consecutive order of references. Footnotes cannot be use.
Author’s data should be placed in the upper right corner at the beginning of the paper and contain: names; institution or organization represented by the author; city and country the author comes from; e-mail. The title should be set up in the capital letters. Abstract (100-150 words) and, after that, keywords (5-6 words) should follow the title and precede the text of the paper.
The application should take place after the references.
Unfortunately, the Organizers do not have opportunity to cover trip costs of participants.
Participation in the Conference by correspondence is welcomed too.
The collection of the Conference materials (collected articles) is planned to have been published by the start of the Conference. The publication fee is 15 €. An invitation letter, which will attest inclusion of the paper in the collected articles, will be sent together with the bank account for payment of the publication.
1. Valery Alikin – PhD, rector of Saint-Petersburg Christian University.
2. Sergey Astapov – Doctor of Philosophy, professor of Department of philosophy of religion and religious studies of Institute of philosophy and social and political studies of Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don), the Head of Organizers.
3. Eugeny Egilsky – candidate of philosophy, Associate professor of Department of philosophy of religion and religious studies of Institute of philosophy and social and political studies of Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don).
4. Leonid Filippov – Master of Theology, pastor of the Church “Revelation” (Rostov-on-Don).
5. Alexander Raevsky – Candidate of philosophy, lecturer of Department of philosophy of religion and religious studies of Institute of philosophy and social and political studies of Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don).
6. Alexey Rudenko – Master of History, pastor of the Church of Christ Saviour (Rostov-on-Don).
7. Anastasiya Slepchenko – manager in education of Institute of philosophy and social and political studies of Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don), the Secretary of Organizers.