Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference «Woman: the Christian perspectives »

The aim of the conference is to comprehend the number of topics on the role of women in the church and society and to give them a modern and balanced evaluation. Specialists in such fields as history, pedagogy, psychology, leadership, biblical studies and practical theology from Russia and other countries will participate in the discussion.


21.04.2016 - 00:00


22.04.2016 - 00:00


Нарвский пр. 13 б   View map

Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference
«Woman: the Christian perspectives »

On 21-22 of April 2016, the Annual Scientific-Practical Conference will take place in St.Petersburg Christian University.

With each year, the question of woman’s role in Christian ministry becomes more and more urgent. There are multiple reasons for this: the change in social roles of women in Russian and elsewhere; the lack of understanding of woman’s place in the ministry of Jesus and that of Early Christianity; the diversity of opinions on the roles of women in modern Christian communities of different denominations; the growing desire in some Evangelical churches and even whole denominations to actively involve women into ministry, including ordination of women; the growth of feminism in Europe and English-speaking countries, which influences practical theology, leadership, as well as historical and biblical studies.

There will be plenary meetings, as well as work in three sections:

  1. Leadership
  2. Theology and History of the Church
  3. Psychology and Pedagogy.

To register for the conference, you need to send an application form to: till the first of April 2016. You need to indicate your full name, address, place of work/ministry, academic degree (see the registration blank).

If you want to participate with a paper, you need to send an annotation of your paper (up to 200 words) together with the application. Your paper should be on one of these topics:

  • Biblical-theological evidence and comprehension of woman’s role in the ministry of the church;
  • The role of woman in the Early Church;
  • The role of woman in Russian Protestantism;
  • A Christian understanding of the psychology of a woman;
  • Woman in Christian education and the raising of children;
  • Woman and leadership.

Accommodation at the SPbCU hotel
St.Petersburg Christian University is pleased to offer accommodation for our guests from other regions during the conference. The costs will be covered by the guests; it is 750 roubles per day. The University will cover the accommodation expenses for those participants who deliver a paper at the conference.
To stay in the SPbCU hotel, you need to book a room for yourself at

The SPbCU will provide lunch in the University’s cafeteria. The catering is provided on the basis of advanced order. The cost of the lunch is 150 roubles. If you would like to order lunch, please indicate your intention on the application, and please indicate the exact day you will have lunch.

If you have any queries, please contact Sergei Lagunov: +7 (812) 747-25-46,

Application form– “Woman- the Christian perspectives




